Women’s football is one of the world’s fastest growing sports, and with England hosting the 2022 European Championships, how could we celebrate the sport at every single level – not just the elite, but the joy of recreation? We wanted to show it wasn’t just the cup-winning superstars making waves in the game, the nationwide participation is what’s taking it to the next level.


Three films, all released by the BBC during the Women’s EURO 2022 tournament. When it all boils down to it, football and taking part is just a love of the game, in whichever form it takes. Shining a light on the true female football fan experience, playing for a cause, family, or even just the joy of playing – even if you get beat every week. Women’s football has become infectious, so we did our best to spread even more of its joy around one of the game’s biggest tournaments.
“I can’t say how much I loved this when I saw it on the euros today! Inspirational.”paulsmith247, Instagram